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The School
Where You Receive Hope

What comes to mind when thinking about marriage?  


Marriage is a wonderful unity that makes you feel loved, accepted, and protected. Marriage shapes you to become a better person. Even 

though there is no perfect marriage, there is a healthy marriage.

When you understand and learn more about your spouse, you appreciate and respect them and know how to love one another through your imperfections. We support one another despite our differences.

As we learn each other’s strengths and weaknesses, then we learn to become a

real helpmate to each other, that is when marriage becomes healthier.

Marriage is a work of art. Whatever your picture, that you will draw. A beautiful picture or an ugly one.

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Sona Jamgotchian

My journey with Jesus started at the age of 21. I was young and inexperienced, had just moved to the United States, did not speak much English, was terrified, numb, homesick, culture-shocked, and later depressed. I knew Jesus, but during this time, I started seeking Him and the purpose of my life by fasting and praying. I could not understand the purpose of the long duration of the painful circumstances surrounding me.
I had recently experienced the most significant and embarrassing rejection in my life. It broke me into pieces and left me in confusion, rejection, and despair. I cried for days, did not want to come out of my room, and forced myself to eat and go to work. One day during lunchtime, I was sitting in my car crying and asking God the “Why” question.
I wanted to know why people had hurt me the way they did and why I was left alone to pick up the pieces. At that moment, I felt the truth hit me as lightning struck the Earth. I began to utter, “What is wrong with me? What is wrong with me that I allow all these people to come and hurt me like this?” Every morning after that, I prayed, “Lord Jesus, change the things in me that need to be changed.”
My search began. I was searching for the answer to my question, “What is wrong with me?” My “Why” changed to “What?” God started showing me as I was searching and praying for the answer. Instead of crying and wasting my time thinking that the world was the wrong place for me to be born, I changed my thinking and started working on myself. The healing journey began when I started taking classes and reading books on healing my mind and emotions. Oh, it was a sweet and sour season for me! It is painful for someone to see their mistakes let alone to have the courage to correct them.
This desperate time made me an orphan’s heart because I felt so alone. I felt like I did not belong anywhere until I received my healing. My journey of healing is why I am passionate about seeing peoples’ orphaned hearts healed and restored.
I have a dream for the School of Hope to be a place where the brokenhearted receive hope through teaching and counseling to heal!

Nazaret Jamgotchian

I found Jesus as I was searching for truth in difficult circumstances. I wanted to learn more about the Savior and find the best way to know more about Him by studying His Word. So I studied at the King's University in 2006. Right after I got involved in different ministries; the Children's Ministry, Home Groups, and weekly Ministry. In 2014 I founded Enduring Hope Church and became the lead pastor, eventually, I studied at AACC and Maxwell Leadership and got my certification. I love Jesus and serve to advance His Kingdom by coaching leaders, pastoring His flock, and building bridges to bring unity. My vision is to see leaders walking in God's full potential and live a fulfilling life.

As a certified Mental Health coach from AACC and a Certified Leadership and Professional Life coach from Light University, I have the knowledge, skills, and experience to support leaders in their personal and professional growth. Also as a John Maxwell Leadership Certified Team member, I bring the best tools and techniques to help leaders succeed.

God made you unique and gave you special talents and gifts to accomplish the mission. Contact me to help you grow and achieve your goals.

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Our Lead Counselor

Our instructor, Sona Jamgotchian is compassionate, knowledgeable, with extensive experience dealing with many difficult cases. She is anointed and called for those who are hurting. She studied Biblical Counseling at Light University. And is Board Certified Biblical Counselor by BCPPC since 2017. Sona completed Dr. Daniel Amen's Brain Health Coaching program through AACC.​ She has been serving in the areas of mental health; depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc. for over a decade.

What makes School of Hope different? 

We do not feed you with knowledge and theories only to deal with your symptoms. We introduce technics in the light of the Word of God, dealing with the root of the problem. We follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in your situation and He gives us the tools to direct you to deal with your challenges.  Our goal is to help you see the light at the end of the tunnel, so that hope will rise up within you. 

Flexible Curriculum

We can help you in three different ways:

1. We can work with you one on one, offering Biblical counseling to overcome difficulties.

2. You can attend one of our Live webinars in the area that interests you the most.

3. Or simply purchase the course that you think will help you the best.

For an appointment or more information about webinars and e-courses contact us. 

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